Free kshamenk the Orca

Please send a letter to the newly elected President of Argentina, Sr. Nestor Kirchner, urging him to do the right thing by supporting the releasing of Kshamenk in Argentina immediately.
Watch the video:

Dear President Kirchner:

I am hereby urging you to support the extraordinary effort to rescue the lone orca Kshamenk that was captured by Mundo Marino more than ten years ago. Capture and confinement is extremely stressful for orcas, and Kshamenk is showing clear signs of depression and frustration due to years of isolation in a small tank.

It is time for Kshamenk to go home. This particular orca is a very good candidate to be released back into his natural home range, following appropriate and proven rehabilitation protocols.

Working together with international marine mammal experts, scientists, veterinarians, and animal welfare and environmental organizations, Wild Earth Foundation (WEF- Argentina) and Free Willy Foundation (USA) are prepared to take full responsibility for the relocation, rehabilitation, and release of Kshamenk.

By intervening in this case you would be sending a very powerful, positive message to the rest of the world about Argentina's respect for nature.

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