Investigate the Link Between Pesticides and Parkinson's Disease

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: President Obama
A study recently published in the Archives of Neurology found a link between use of pesticides in a person's occupation and development of Parkinson's disease. In fact, three chemical compounds were found to be associated with a three-fold increase in risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

In the study, researchers wrote: "Occupational use of pesticides was associated with an almost 80 percent greater risk of parkinsonism. Growing evidence suggests a causal association between pesticide use and parkinsonism."

Such scientific data cannot be ignored! Urge President Obama to ask the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to investigate a link between occupational pesticide use and American workers -- and develop new policies to protect workers accordingly.
Dear President Obama,

A study recently published in the Archives of Neurology found a link between use of pesticides in a person's occupation and development of Parkinson's disease. In fact, three chemical compounds were found to be associated with a three-fold increase in risk of developing Parkinson's disease. I urge you to ask the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to investigate a link between occupational pesticide use and American workers -- and develop new policies to protect workers accordingly.

In the study, researchers wrote: "Occupational use of pesticides was associated with an almost 80 percent greater risk of parkinsonism. Growing evidence suggests a causal association between pesticide use and parkinsonism."

Pesticides are widely used across the agricultural sector -- and if we are exposing our agricultural workers to an increased likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease, we must investigate this and develop proper safety policies! I urge you to contact OSHA about this research today.

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