Innocent Horses Like Destiny are Suffering for their Meat. Demand Justice NOW!

Meet Destiny.

A gang of greedy criminals recently lured her away from her enclosure into a nearby "kill zone" for horses.

They stabbed her. Repeatedly. In her heart and throat.

Destiny managed to escape her attackers. Terrified — and suffering from severe pain — she stumbled all the way back to her family's farm.

But it was too late: she died as a victim of the illegal horse meat trade.

Animal Recovery Mission has uncovered an epidemic of illegal slaughter near Miami-Dade region — and we urgently need your help to END IT!

Black market demand is skyrocketing. Family pets like Destiny and discarded racehorses are being targeted for profit.

But law enforcement refuses to prosecute. So we need your help to compel the Attorney General to take action!

Sign the petition: demand the Attorney General prosecute horse slaughter crimes!
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