Help me to save other Angels from being sent back to heaven by these thoughtless speeding drivers...

My sweet little doggy Sammie died on Sunday 5th August 2012.  He died in front of my eyes after being hit by a car which just drove off and left him all alone in the middle of the road, with me by his side.   People think but he is just a dog….but without words he gave me the deepest joy in my heart…this is what Sammie meant to me…


My day would start with Sammie, he would wake me up every single morning with his wagging tail and cheeky smile.  Every morning we shared a goodbye, with me stroking his head and him trying to cuddle with me, I would say Goodbye Sammie, and he would waggle his tail as if it say Goodbye Pinky.


No matter what kind of day I would have at work or whatever was going on in the world, every time I turned the key to open the door I was met with an overwhelming bouncing little Sammie who just shone a massive ray of light on me, he would do a little dog dance every day….just for me.


He would only eat in evening when I came home, if that meant him starving and waiting for hours he did that…just for me.


He never, ever left my side in my house.  He wanted to be a part of everything I did, he loved being around hubby and me and just burst with happiness when we were with him or took him out together.  If I was sad, he would comfort me and sit with me, if I was happy he just wanted to be part of my happiness and play.

Sammie taught me about unconditional love. He gave me his all every single day.  Every moment we shared was filled with complete joy.


Now all this has been taken away by a thoughtless diver that was speeding on my Hazeldene Road.

All this heartache pain and suffering could have been prevented by a few speed humps that could of saved my little Sammie.

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