Prohibit Sale of Endangered Species Items on eBay

  • av: James Greathouse
  • mottagare: Pierre Omidyar, Founder and Chairman, eBay, Inc.
The sale of endangered species items may promote demand. Therefore, these items should not be traded on auctions such as eBay. By signing this petition, you show your support to defend wolves and other endangered species.
Because the sale of any endangered species item may increase demand for such items, even encourage poaching, I would like to stress that these items should not be traded publicly on auctions such as eBay. Therefore I ask that you please add your signature to this petition today, asking eBay to adjust their User Agreement policies to forbid these items from being sold through their service. These items should be prohibited regardless of whether produced before or after the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) as it's not possible to confirm that an item is eligible for trade under the ESA during an online auction. According to Provision (F) of Sec. 1538 of the ESA, eBay could be held liable if illegal items are sold via their service.
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