Demand Justice: Punish Illegal Slaughterhouses to the Fullest Extent of the Law!

We've uncovered an epidemic of illegal slaughterhouses – but we need your help to bring the killers to justice!

The torture is second to none. And it's been going on for decades while lining the pockets of backyard butchers.

"Piles of charred and burned animals." - ABC News

That's how the media describes one torture chamber in Sunrise, Florida, where animals were imprisoned in shacks and butchered alive.

Bonnie, pictured here, is one of the lucky ones. She was adopted into a loving home, following our investigation.

But most of her friends aren't so lucky. At nearby Groves Farm, pigs were hung alive from meat hooks and stabbed to death.

We'll continue to expose these torture chambers to the media. But we need to make sure the killers stay behind bars …. where they belong!

Sign the petition: demand authorities prosecute illegal slaughterhouses to the fullest extent of the law!
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