Stand against Elon Musk’s attacks on researchers!

Elon Musk claims he is a "free speech absolutist", but he is suing the Center for Countering Digital Hate to try and silence our work exposing hate and disinformation on Twitter/X.

He is targeting us because we're a leading voice exposing how hate speech & lies skyrocketed on Twitter/X under his ownership. 

People have the right to know how X and similar platforms are spreading hate and disinformation. Musk's actions set a dangerous precedent that could reverberate across all social media platforms, including Facebook, undermining their accountability and responsibility to protect their users.

Musk's actions are straight out of the authoritarian handbook and could have a chilling effect on independent researchers around the world.

64 experts have already backed our call for the freedom to criticize Twitter/X - will you add your name to that growing list?

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