Stop the Melissa Bachman show! Tell National Geographic to say no to a show about killing for sport

 Earlier today “animal murder queen” Melissa Bachman had posted on her Facebook page that she was going to have her own show on National Geographic. ( she has since removed the entire page) This New sparked an outrage amongst animal activists around the globe and several petitions including my first. We come to find out that Bachman exaggerated her role in the upcoming show when an inquiry was made with Net Geo. Here was their response –

If you're inquiring about the rumors that we are having Melissa Bachman host a show on our channel, those rumors are false. Melissa Bachman is one outdoorsmen in a larger ensemble cast chosen to navigate the Alaskan terrain for an upcoming National Geographic Channel series. The series – which has just begun production and will likely air sometime next year – is not a platform for any of the featured players and is certainly in no way an endorsement of their activities outside of the show. Rather it is a test of survival and expedition skills passed down through generations as the teams explore the incredible Alaskan landscapes. Any interaction with wildlife during the course of the show will obviously respect any and all of the state’s wildlife procedures and laws, as is standard and expected practice at National Geographic Channel. 

So at this point we altered the petition to request the removal of Bachman on the show instead of removing the show! so i will be closing the pettition and opening a new one Thank you for all your help! 

Here is the new updated pettion ! 


Dear National Geographic,

Your magazine and network poses a great influence in the national and international community.  As network dedicated to culture and the broadening of horizons you hold great power over impressionable minds and society as a whole. Your voice is respected and the views you present are herd and influence society’s perception of acceptable behaviour and culture guidelines.

With great sorrow we have received the information that you are planning a series with Melissa Bachman. And we would like to ask you: is a show with a woman who depicts killing as fun and propagates this sport as healthy activity for children a message National Geographic stands for? If yes please be aware that you will be losing our support as viewers. We understand that Bachman holds a certain appeal to her target group, but we cannot understand why your network would want to support and contribute to the suffering of the animals involved in her exploits. Her skills as a hunter are questionable, considering that by her own admission she often has to track wounded animals shot by her for miles, this poses an incredible cruel and painful ordeal for her victims.

As concerned members of the global community we would like to ask you to reconsider your decision, to tape and air a show on this subject and with this Anchor. We find depicting killing for sport and leisure to be reprehensible, unacceptable and unworthy of your great network.


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