Help Animals In Disasters

Remember Superstorm Sandy? That incredibly destructive hurricane hit land just about a year ago and many thousands of people were forced to evacuate their homes. In any disaster, "failure to evacuate" becomes a critical public safety issue, but many people are reluctant to leave home without their animal companions. Can you imagine leaving your pets at home to fend for themselves under emergency conditions?

The Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security has advanced bill S. 1172, An Act Ensuring the Safety of People with Pets in Disasters, which would ensure that pets are incorporated into municipal and state disaster plans.

If you consider your pets members of the family, and can't imagine leaving them behind in an emergency, sign up now to become a member of our Animal Action Team! You'll then be able to send letters automatically to your state senators and representatives, expressing your support for bills like this that help animals in Massachusetts.
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