Tell President Obama to Stop New Offshore Drilling - Permanently!

The Arctic Ocean is America’s last pristine ocean, a vital feeding ground for countless endangered species, and critical for preventing global temperatures from rising even more.

If we want to win the fight against climate change, we must stop offshore drilling and transition to a clean energy future. Sign the petition and urge President Obama to permanently protect the Arctic Ocean, the fragile Arctic ecosystem, and our climate from the dangers of offshore drilling.
Dear President Obama,

The Arctic Ocean is America’s last pristine ocean, a vital feeding ground for countless endangered species, and critical for preventing global temperatures from rising even more. If we are going to successfully fight climate change, we must stop all offshore drilling and accelerate our transition to clean energy sources like solar and wind.

I thank you for recently protecting the Atlantic Ocean from offshore drilling, but now ask you to take drilling in the Arctic Ocean off the table forever and demonstrate to the world that the United States is leading the way to a future of clean energy and climate action.

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