Petition to Subsidize Fruits and Vegetables While Removing Subsidies for the Meat Industry in Starke County, Indiana

  • av: Peter Scott
  • mottagare: Board of Directors for the Starke County Economic Development Foundation

This petition is demanding that the elected representatives of Starke County enact policies to subsidize with increasing efforts the fruits and vegetables grown in Starke County and also work to remove government subsidies for the meat industry which is much more resource intensive and less healthier for the members of the communities of Starke County. Economists say that fruits and vegetable diets are much more economically feasible and environmentalists have also stated that within forty years, for the entire planet to be sustainable, we will need to commit to a vegan diet all over the world. Please take action now to enact these policies to create healthier, safer and more secure way of life for our communities' current generations and future generations.

This petition is demanding that the elected representatives of Starke County enact policies to subsidize with increasing efforts the fruits and vegetables grown in Starke County and also work to remove government subsidies for the meat industry which is much more resource intensive and less healthier for the members of the communities of Starke County. Economists say that fruits and vegetable diets are much more economically feasible and environmentalists have also stated that within forty years, for the entire planet to be sustainable, we will need to commit to a vegan diet all over the world. Please take action now to enact these policies to create healthier, safer and more secure way of life for our communities' current generations and future generations.

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