Saving Lolita

 Lolita is an Orca Whale surviving at the Miami Seaquarium. She lives in the smallest and oldest tank built for killer whales and she has been there for nearly 40 years, the past 25 years she has been alone. Her previous mate killed himself 25 years ago, by thrashing his head against the wall of their tiny tank. Lolita is a 20 foot long Orca whale living in an 18 foot deep tank, imagine living inside a bathtub all your life. She has no protection from the hot Miami sun, and other than two performances a day, no exercise. Lolita often spends time in between shows expressing signs of boredom and depression. This petition aims to bring Lolita to a better, more suitable home.

This petition will work in favor to send Lolita to a more suitable home. One that offers her freedom to swim around, relief from boredom and a break from the hot sun.

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