Reject Redistricting - say no to 386

  • av: Dan Matthews
  • mottagare: Bobby Franklin, Chairman, Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Comm
We are opposed to the planned slicing of Athens-Clarke County from the 46th state senate district on behalf of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, Ralph Hudgens and Brian Kemp.
We the undersign do not wish for the unneeded redistricting as proposed by Senate Bill 386. The redistricting would slice Athens-Clarke County into two districts and dilute our clout in Gold Dome. The authors of the measure, Senators Ralph Hudgens and Brian Kemp, did not even bother telling members of the Athens-Clarke County government about the proposed redistricting before introducing it in committee. Athens-Clarke is the fourth consolidated government in the state and would be the only not in one state senate district.
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