President Bush, Take action on Global Warming

  • av: Herve Boisde
  • mottagare: George Bush, President of the United States, United States Government
Global Warming is real and we have new evidence to prove it; in Antartica, a block of ice weighing more than 500 billion tons (and about the size of Rhode Island) collapsed into the sea and disintegrated, shocking scientists worldwide. The evidence is overwhelming that man-made "greenhouse gases" are warming the atmosphere and endangering the environment. The time to act is now.
Dear President Bush,

The United States position on Global Warming has been to increase funding for scientific research and study of the phenomenon. It may have seemed prudent to find more evidence to confirm the reality of Global Warming, but recently, new evidence has dramatically come forward. Common sense calls for action.

Scientific studies will always be conflicting, however the events in Antartica speak for themselves. Man-made "greenhouse gases" are warming the atmosphere and taking a toll on the global environment. As President of one the world's leading producers of these gases, you have an opportunity to lead the way and be an example for other world leaders.

Americans and people from other countries are thankful for the courage and leadership you've recently demonstrated. Once again our country has shown that it has the world's best interests in mind and refuses to give in to pessimism.

Please keep this hope alive, Mr. Bush, and take the steps needed to insure that future generations will have as much to be thankful for. Our voices are united, and we the people of the United States as well as people from other nations, are commited to this issue and await your proactive response.
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