Urge the Tasmanian Government to Ban Clear-Felling of Trees in the Lapoinya Forest

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Premier of Tasmania, Will Hodgman

Tasmanian Resources Minister, Paul Harriss, has allowed clear-felling of a regrowth area of forest at Lapoinya to go ahead, according to a story on ABC.net.au

Lapoinya is located in the Tasmania's north-west.

The 60-year-old regrowth area is believed to be important habitat for endangered animals from the region, including the spotted tail quoll, the Tasmanian devils and the giant freshwater crayfish.

Environmental groups have approached the government, asking them to intervene to stop the logging but to no effect.

The forests of Tasmania, including significant regrowth areas, should be awarded protection.

Will you join me in urging the Tasmanian Government to ban the clear-felling of trees in the Lapoinya Forest?

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