Tell the EPA You Support New Limits on Carbon Pollution from Power Plants

The largest source of carbon pollution is power plants. Right now, there are absolutely no limits on carbon pollution. That’s plain wrong.

The only way to slow global warming is to cut down greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately, the EPA has proposed new rules that would place limits on carbon pollution from power plants.

Tell the EPA you support the new limits on carbon pollution from power plants.
Dear Environmental Protection Agency,

I am writing today in support of your new limits on carbon pollution from power plants.

The largest source of carbon pollution is power plants. Right now, there are absolutely no limits on carbon pollution. That’s plain wrong.

Carbon is a potent greenhouse gas - and it is causing dangerous global warming. The only way to slow global warming is to cut down greenhouse gas emissions.

[Your comments here]

The decisions we make now about how to treat climate change will affect our children for the rest of their lives; that's why I'm in favor of these new regulations.

[Your name here]
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