An International Dog-Fighting Ring Brutally Abused Hundreds of Animals for Years. Enablers Should Be Held Accountable.

Dog-fighting is a horrifyingly gruesome bloodsport that is illegal in the United States. But that hasn't stopped some people from engaging in the nasty practice, forcing dogs to rip each other to shreds while humans stand around watching - and profiting.

Luckily, New Jersey authorities decided to take this animal cruelty seriously. Officials there led an undercover sting operation that eventually helped them identify and arrest the ringleader of one of the biggest known dog-fighting organizations in the state!

It's important that they hold the entire chain of people involved accountable - including enablers who sold dogs to this ring, housed the animals, transported them, or otherwise were complicit. Sign the petition now!

Apparently this man's dog-fighting ring was operating on an international scale, with purchasers overseas coming to him to buy dogs for these brutal "games." During an investigation of one of his properties, officials found upwards of 120 dogs in one location alone.

Most were suffering from serious injuries, including broken bones and fractures, and sometimes even open, gaping wounds. Many were limping or underweight. Almost all were shaking from fear and showed signs of abuse. One was missing a leg. It was clear that no one had treated these animals; no one had bothered to seek veterinary care for them.

Authorities also discovered a fighting pit with two dead dogs inside of it. There was still blood on the walls.

To create this type of an operation, it's clear many, many people were involved. But who? Police have already arrested seven co-conspirators, but obviously there were more people complicit than that.

How did this dog-fighting ring even come into existence? Who allowed it to operate, either by their silence or active enabling help? Authorities must find those people and hold them accountable, too! Sign the petition to protect other dogs from future abuse!
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