No Nuclear Waste at Yucca Mountain

Keep Citizens Safe from Nuclear Waste!

Storing Nuclear Waste in Yucca Mountain isn't just about saving Yucca Mountain. It's about protecting residents in 43 of the United States from nuclear disasters.

In order to store nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain, truck and train shipments of nuclear waste - more than 3,000 each year for 24 years - will be traveling through your city, in front of your children's schools and next to your home. 43 states. 734 counties. Home to half the population of the United States. All at risk of a catastrophic nuclear disaster.

Stop this proposition before it becomes a reality, in your backyard.
To the 107th Congress of the United States of America:

The proposed nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain, Nevada,
poses unacceptable threats to human health, public safety
and the environment.

Important scientific, ethical, and policy questions about
the repository proposal remain unresolved, as identified in
part by independent federal review agencies. The risks of
transporting highly radioactive waste through 44 states to a
questionable site cannot be justified. A crash or attack involving
just one of these shipments could be catastrophic.

We, the undersigned citizens, petition you to oppose the dangerous
Yucca Mountain Project.
Signera petitionen
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