Sea World Needs Larger Killer Whale Tank

Petition Target: Sea World

The killer whale tank at Sea World in Orlando, FL is too small to house the size and the number of the whales it keeps. Please sign Now and show your support for a new, larger tank for these majestic creatures. Don't they deserve at least that much?

Petition Target: Sea World

The killer whale tank at Sea World in Orlando, FL is too small to house the size of the whales it has. The tank needs to be enlarged so the whales have enough room to live comfortably. Sea World is known for taking in and caring for sick or hurt sea creatures, but they need to have the right equipment to do so in order to keep their animals happy and comfortable.

We the undersigned, respect Sea World's efforts to preserve and protect the sea animal community, however we urge you to please provide the environment necessary for these animals to be happy as well.

the Undersigned

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