Don't Let the Pacific Northwest Become a Gateway For Dirty Coal Exports!

  • av: Sierra Club
  • mottagare: Washington State's Natural Resources Commissioner Peter Goldmark
You may have heard that Big Coal has plans to ship millions of tons of coal through the Pacific Northwest to Asia -- spewing toxic coal dust, putting our safety and health at risk, clogging up our railroad and ports, and stoking the climate crisis all the way.

As Washington State's Natural Resources Commissioner, Peter Goldmark has a huge role in the fight to stop Big Coal from exporting coal through our backyards. His opposition would ensure that Big Coal's profits don't come at the cost of Washington's health and environment.

Ask Peter Goldmark to stand with communities across the Northwest and take a stand against coal exports.
Subject: Protect Washington from toxic coal!

Dear Commissioner Goldmark:

Thank you for your strong leadership in protecting Washington's land and clean water. I strongly oppose the construction of coal export terminals in Washington that would pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Coal exports are bad for Washingtonian's across the state: from port cities like Bellingham and Longview; to cities that could see dozens of coal trains bisecting their communities; from Spokane to the Columbia Gorge; from Vancouver to Seattle--and everywhere in between. Coal trains would cause hours daily of noise, congestion, and air pollution from diesel fumes and coal dust--threatening our health and quality of life.
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