We demand an international inquest into the "scientific study" which allows the Bengal Government to kill rogue elephants!

  • av: Rita Claessens Elephant Freedom Fighters
  • mottagare: CITES, John Scanlon, IUCN, Animal Welfare Board of India at animalwelfareboard@gmail.com. Saeef Ab Save the Elephants Save The Asian ElephantsIn Defense of Animals PETA India

The Government of West Bengal has killed four ELEPHANT BULLS because they have been deemed "Rogue" after humans encroached into their homes. Apparently this decision was based on "scientific study"... Sadly, the sex ratio is skewed drastically in the Asian elephant population with as many as 200 females for JUST ONE BULL in the wild. This would mean that there will be imminent genetic disorders and the survival of the ENDANGERED ASIAN ELEPHANTS has been further exacerbated!! IT'S TIME FOR THE IUCN and the CITES to take action. This was because of instructions from the previous Minister of Environment Mr. Javdekar, who has now been promoted to Human Resources Minister's post in the Cabinet. 

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