Urge Australia to Take Action Against Climate Change and Introduce More Aggressive Carbon Reduction Targets

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull

The Climate Change Authority (CCA) has criticised the Australian government's emission reduction targets, according to a report on ABC.com.au.

Australia currently plans to cut emissions by 26-28 per cent by 2030, however, the CCA has recommended reductions of 45-63 per cent by 2020.

Bernie Fraser from the CCA said in a statement: "Along with other countries, Australia has agreed to work towards reducing emissions to levels consistent with limiting global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels — this remains a challenging task."

"Measured against the reductions in emissions required to deliver a reasonable chance of limiting global warming to 2 degrees, all countries have a lot more work to do over the decades ahead."

The world cannot wait for Australia to take effective action on climate change. As a result of greenhouse gas pollution, the planet is heating up at a much faster rate than ever before and our oceans are becoming more acidic.

Will you join me in urging the Australian government to introduce more effective emission reduction targets? Please sign and share the petition.

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