Give Life A Chance!

  • av: Ronda Richardson
  • mottagare: Shelly Moore, Executive Director, Asheville Humane Society
   We are asking this agency to reconsider their practice of euthanizing owner surrenders as in the case of Satch, see story below, where the owner just couldn't take care of him.  This puppy could have at least been given a chance to be adopted out.   After all you keep strays for at least 72 hours.    

   We are asking this agency to reconsider their practice of euthanizing owner surrenders as in the case of Satch where the owner just couldn't take care of him.  This puppy could have at least been given a chance to be adopted out.  After all you keep strays for at least 72 hours.    
   This is Satch's story: Dawn Ingle took Satch, a six-month old pure bred Chocolate Laborador puppy, from a friend who couldn't care for him. She too though, thought he deserved better, so her husband took him to the Asheville Humane Society for adoption. But a guilty conscience sent them back just three hours later to pick the puppy up and he had already been put down. The Humane Society is not required to hold pets brought in by their owners for any length of time, but they do keep strays for 72 hours. The shelter director says Satch was put down based on information given by the Ingles' and an evaluation. Both sides agree they are fighting for the same cause, but in the case of Satch, the outcome is what neither side wanted.

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