Petition to the National Association of Evangelicals to Endorse Ron Paul for President

  • av: Benjamin Thompson
  • mottagare: Leith Anderson, President, National Association of Evangelicals
This is a petition to the President to the National Association of Evangelicals to endorse Ron Paul for the Republican nomination for President.

Whereas Ron Paul is a presidential candidate who is...

-Consistently Pro-Life
-Consistently Pro-Constitution
-Consistently in Support of the Sanctity of Human Life and Against Torture
-Consistently Against Government Waste
-Consistently Resistant to the Temptations of Office (such as favors from or for special interests)
-Consistently Responsible with Federal Money
-Consistently Resistant to the Influence of Special Interests
-Consistently Opposed to the Growth of Government Power over any Aspects of Life, Religion in Particular
-Consistently Opposed to the Trappings of Centralized World Government (UN, ICC)
-Consistently in Favor of the Christian Principles that Ensure Liberty in America

...the National Association of Evangelicals should encourage the Republican Party to nominate Ron Paul for the office of President of the United States.
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