We Demand Animal Cruelty Charges Be Filed Immediately Against Lion's Gate Sanctuary For Murder Of 11 Innocent Animals.

  • av: Kelly Coldewey
  • mottagare: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Elbert County Commissioners and other yet to be determined.

We, The People Are Outraged... and ask that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service vigorously investigate and take all available enforcement action against Dr. Joan Laub, owner of Lions Gate Sanctuary, and all other parties involved in this horrible act of excessive animal abuse, as well as being in violation of the ESA.

Elbert County Commissioners said they were 'shocked' and 'saddened' by the decision of the sanctuary's owners. 

The decision by the operators of Lion's Gate to euthanize all their animals comes as a total surprise,' they said in a statement. 'Only two weeks earlier, the operators of the facility assured the County in a public forum that if the application was denied, they would continue to operate at their current location as they had for the previous 10 years.
Instead for seeking an alternative wild animal sanctuary to place the animals,
the Lion's Gate Sanctuary put down its three lions, three tigers and five bears on April 20 2017.

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND SEEK JUSTICE, for these beautiful animals, who's lives were taken from them unjustly.
Thank you......

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