Demand the Government Rejects any Proposal to Allow Coal Mining in the Southern Highlands

The impacts of coal mining on the NSW Southern Highlands' pristine groundwater systems has farmers opposing a proposed mine, according to a report on

A rural contractor, Matt Mitchell, said that the groundwater of the region is essential to dairy and cattle farms, vineyards and orchards.

Mr Mitchell said in the report: "Coal mining in the Southern Highlands is a situation that's just not going to work,"..."We rely very heavily on the water underground here. That aquifer that has formed over thousands and thousands of years is going to be severely affected. To even contemplate (coal mining) in the highlands is really a very silly decision."

Furthermore, the company that is seeking to mine in the area, Hume Coal, says it has never discussed the proposed mine with a state government minister whose property borders the proposed mining area.

The company issued a statement that rejected any suggestions that the location of Primary Industries Minister Niall Blair's property was a consideration when deciding the boundaries of the project.

Nonetheless, the Southern Highlands is not a suitable place for mining and the pristine groundwater of the region must be safeguarded. Will you join me in urging the NSW Government to reject any proposals to allow mining in the region?

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