Sign now to help provide treatment for people in Uganda affected by the Ebola outbreak

Since the declaration of the Ebola outbreak in Uganda on 20 September (and as of 2 October 2022), the Ugandan Ministry of Health has confirmed 43 cases of Ebola and reported 29 deaths (nine confirmed deaths from the disease and 20 probable). MSF is working with the Ministry of Health to set up an initial emergency response to help stop the disease from spreading further.

The current outbreak in Uganda is caused by a relatively rare variant of the virus known as the Sudan strain, which raises a number of medical and operational challenges for the teams on the ground. The spread of the disease requires the rapid development of effective detection and treatment solutions in a country that has been relatively free of epidemics for the past decade.

MSF plans to support the response in Uganda by setting up small centres in affected sub-districts such as Madudu (the epicentre of the outbreak, located 20km from the district capital Mubende), and setting up a larger 36-bed isolation unit with intensive care capacity for suspected and confirmed patients in Mubende. MSF teams also plan to work with hospitals to enable them to become referral centres for health workers affected by the disease.

Sign now to help MSF provide aid to those affected by Ebola in Uganda.
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