The Next President Must Make Alzheimer's a Thing of the Past

To the newly inaugurated 44th President of the United States:

As our President, you must lead the nation to make Alzheimer's a thing of the past.

Every 71 seconds, someone in America develops Alzheimer's disease. Without your leadership, Alzheimer's will rob one in eight of the 78 million baby boomers of their memories, their independence, their lives as they know them.

Alzheimer's is fatal for people who have it and devastating for their families, friends and caregivers. Alzheimer's costs billions of dollars in lost productivity and puts an increasingly catastrophic strain on our healthcare system. And it is only going to get worse.

Millions of Americans are waiting to hear: What is your plan to attack this public health threat facing our country?

We believe your plan must contain these elements:
- An immediate increase in federally-funded medical research;
- Access to affordable health coverage for people living with Alzheimer's under age 65;
- A Medicare program that better meets the special needs of people who suffer from Alzheimer's and other serious medical conditions; and
- Caregiver support services and long-term care coverage for people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers.
Alzheimer advocates call on you to create a responsible plan to end Alzheimer's now.
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