Stop the mass killing of Bali's dogs

The Governor of the island of Bali ordered the mass killing of roaming dogs. Thousands of innocent dogs are killed every year, often suffering slow and painful deaths.

The Governor claims free-roaming dogs will lead to the spread of rabies. But human and animal health experts have proven that culling doesn't work to control rabies. In fact, it can result in the spread of the disease. Often, dogs that have already been vaccinated are among the victims of a mass killing.

Tell Balinese officials to stop the mass killings.

Dear officials,

Please keep dogs and people safe in Bali. Please stop killing dogs.

Culling has been proven to be ineffective in controlling rabies by leading human and animal health specialists and authorities worldwide. Culling is contrary to internationally-recognized solutions. It is counterproductive as previously vaccinated dogs are culled, which results in loss of herd immunity. Herd immunity is vital to rabies control and eradication.

I want the killing stopped.

I call on the Bali government to stop killing dogs and for the urgent return to annual, comprehensive dog vaccination programs which protect dogs and people and honor the value that dogs have to the people of Bali.

Implementing internationally recognized rabies vaccination programs will enhance Bali's international reputation and be the most effective way to reduce the potential for human health impacts and needless animal suffering.

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