Appoint Rudy Giuliani as Katrina Disaster Coordinator

Appoint Rudy Giuliani as Hurrican Katrina Disaster Coordinator
We the undersigned call upon the President to appoint former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani as special disaster coordinator for relief efforts resulting from Hurricane Katrina.

The widespread destruction in the Gulf requires the skills of someone who has the ability to not only navigate the governmental red-tape, but also someone who can instill confidence in the public.

Rudy Giuliani has demonstrated that he has both the knowledge and the heart to undertake this monumental task of recovery.

As "America's mayor" during the dark days following 9-11, Rudy Giuliani enabled New York City to regain its spirit and rise to the challenge of rebuilding better than before. That same strength of character is needed today as we face an equally devastating assault upon the citizens of the Gulf region.

We call upon President Bush to act swiftly and decisively in this hour of crisis and appoint Rudy Giuliani to this vital role.

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