Oppose Escalation in Iraq!

Tell Congress to Oppose Troop Escalation In Iraq

The occupation of Iraq has already resulted in the death of more than 3,000 Americans. More than 22,000 soldiers have been wounded. And no one can accurately predict the number of Iraqi casualties.

While promising a new strategy for Iraq, President Bush and his neo-conservative advisors are expected to make a bad situation worse by pouring more troops into Iraq.

We have spent nearly $400 billion on the war in. Deadly attacks against American and Iraqi security forces continue on a daily basis and the occupation by American troops provides insurgents with a constant stream of new recruits. More troops are not the answer.

It is time to admit a tragic mistake and bring American soldiers home. Send a message to your member of Congress and urge them to vigorously oppose any military escalation in Iraq!

Dear Member of Congress,

While promising a new strategy for Iraq, President Bush and his neo-conservative advisors are expected to make a bad situation worse by pouring more troops into Iraq.

We urge you to vigorously oppose any military escalation in Iraq.

The war has already resulted in the deaths of more than 3,000 Americans, the wounding of an additional 22,000 soldiers, and taken the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqis. The U.S. position in the Middle East and around the world has sunk to an all-time low.

In the November elections, the American people made a clear statement that we need a change of course in Iraq. A major escalation of U.S. troops is not the new course we need.

Rather than support a troop increase, it is time to admit a tragic mistake and bring American soldiers home.

Members of Congress from both political parties need to raise their voices in opposition to this proposed escalation.


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