Help Us Kiss Diabetes Goodbye

One in three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime. Diabetes is serious and its complications are deadly, which can include an increased risk of heart disease, nerve damage, blindness, amputations and death.

Diabetes is growing at an alarming rate. Nearly 24 million children and adults are living with this disease and an additional 57 million people have pre-diabetes. This epidemic needs to be stopped.

We need action to change the future of diabetes. Sign the petition to urge President Obama to pay close attention to the prevention and eradication of diabetes.
Dear President Barack Obama,

One in three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime. With this diagnosis brings an increased risk of heart disease, nerve damage, blindness, amputations and death.

I am asking you to help:
- reduce burden of diabetes and other chronic diseases in America;
- provide accessible, adequate and affordable health care coverage for all;
- improve the quality of health care for people with diabetes; and
- ensure all individuals are treated equally and fairly by the health system.

This is the only way to change the future of diabetes in our country.

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