Stop puppy mills!

My name is Jessica Rodriguez and I am very into the animal rights.I would like you to help me to stop the most cruel way to make money: Puppy Mills, legal in many states of USA where the only thing that matters is reproduce them to sell them later to the pet stores, withouth giving them the right conditions and medical care to live .You can even go to any puppy mill sites to see pictures of the most sad an cruel way these animals are treated.Please, just five seconds of your time and you can help us to get rid of these cruel organizations and give to these creatures a better life to live. Remember, if you buy pets from pet stores you will be contribuiting to this awful cause, there is thousands of animals waiting to be adopted that come from puppy mills, and by experience I can tell you they will be always the best pets you ever had. Please click these links...  it's sad but is the only way to educate ourselves and  to do something about it, we can't help if we keep avoiding the problem.
Help shelters of Latinamerican countries, unfortunately these people don't give much importance about animal abuse as people in the USA do, due to the lack of money and conscience,... Please Help If You Can and tell to the authorities.

Thank you

please go this link and sign too, its important, otherwise they will remove it!
Stop Puppy Mills
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