Washington Capitals, Celebrate Your Stanley Cup Championship Without Hate and Refuse White House Invitation

Congratulations to the Washington Capitals!

The hockey team has just done something historic. In their near 45-year history, they have never won the Stanley Cup. Until now. The "Caps" crushed the Golden Knights in the best-out-of-seven championship.

Like other winning teams, the Washington Capitals will no doubt be extended an invitation to visit the White House. Presidential invites to the White House have been around since Reagan years. The tradition has always been nonpolitical, but under the Trump administration that has all changed.

The Trump White House treats these simple meet-and-greets as opportunities to earn political points, mock Trump's enemies and spew propaganda. In fact, Trump is largely responsible for the current NFL policy that obligates players to stand for the national anthem if they are on the field.

Football players, especially black ones, have now become targets of right-wing media propaganda and are ridiculed by conservative pundits. All because Trump wrongly considers their silent, non-violent protest against police brutality as un-American.

This week, this year's NBA championship finalists the Cavaliers and the Warriors have both announced that if they win they would turn down Trump's White House invitation. That news comes on the hills of the Philadelphia Eagles, 2018's Super Bowl champions, being publicly shamed and disinvited by the president when he learned that few team members planned on attending.

The White House visit is no longer an honor, it is a political statement. By accepting the invitation a team is condoning the president's reprehensible and divisive behavior — his support of white supremacists, his denunciation of peaceful protestors, and the disgusting way with which he refers to women.

That's why Care2 is asking the Washington Capitals to forego the White House visit. Instead, they should stand in solidarity with their fellow sports champions and announce publicly that they would not accept an invite to meet Trump.

Sign the petition and ask the Washington Capitals to celebrate their win without hate. Ask them not to go to the White House.
Update #16 years ago
Unfortunately, the Caps decided to pose with Jared and Ivanka in DC. This is exactly the kind of thing they should not do. Let’s keep sharing the petition to ensure they don’t actually go to the White House.
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