Tell Care2 to Stop Taking Away GIfts Given

People spend time and effort to accumulate points to give the gifts offered by the Care2 site.

Their efforts are cumulatively meaningful.

Those who support the site often set “giving targets,” whether for their own satisfaction or for purposes of achieving an eleemosynary goal.  Many have seen their efforts diminished by the disreputable and inexplicable reduction in gifts given.

It’s disheartening to say the least and discourages people from continuing to participate.  It diminishes the perception of the site’s integrity.

Whether this is an I-T problem, a strategic issue, a false motivator, a gremlin or other problem, it needs to be addressed for what it is:  a marketing nightmare.   Perhaps this is why the same core group appears to be participating and so many have become fed up with the site and either left or just dropped out.

What a shame.  Perhaps management will consider addressing this.  Sign if you support keeping the integrity of the site upheld.

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