We are writing to inform you that over the past year we have seen a slow degradation of services provided by WAYSPA while also drive to increase our rates and therefore our costs.

    We are unaware of why these changes have started other than our understanding that WAYSPA is under new ownership.

    Individually, and as a group, these changes are having a negative impact on our business and the industry as a whole. With forthcoming increases in the minimum wage, insurance and an overall cost of living it is becoming impossible to successfully do business with WAYSPA.

    We recognize that individually that we have little power to influence you or your business, however, as a group we feel our voice should be heard in order to secure our future and yours.

    We hereby demand that effective October 1st 2017 that all gift redemption rates be reduced to 7.5% or as of September 1st 2017 we will terminate our relationship with WAYSPA and no longer accept WAYSPA gift products as payment in our respective spas. We also demand that

    payment for redemption's occur every week for the previous weeks activity.
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