The USPS Is Ordering New Vehicles for the First Time In Decades. More Should Be Electric-Powered.

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: The United States Postal Service (USPS)

The USPS has finally gotten the signoff to order new delivery vehicles. This is good news for our postal service workers, and long overdue. But only 10% of the proposed new vehicles are going to be electric-powered. There is no excuse for a federally funded agency to be so far behind climate science and ordering hundreds of thousands of vehicles that are still dependent on gasoline, an outdated and inefficient fossil fuel.

Sign now to demand that the USPS commit to a higher percentage of electric-powered vehicles for their new fleet! 

The current delivery trucks used by USPS went into service sometime between 1987-1994, meaning some vehicles have gone nearly four decades without replacement. Given how long the USPS went without receiving new equipment, we cannot wait any longer to make the necessary changes to a clean energy-powered fleet. Who knows how many years it will be before the upcoming vehicles are replaced again!

Another dire climate report came out just recently, again condemning the world's wealthiest countries for doing so little to mitigate devastating climate impacts. As one reporter for the Guardian put it, the risk of a climate crisis is so severe that everything is at stake. We are running out of time to update our infrastructure and move towards clean energy – and every single effort counts. There is no logical reason the vast majority of USPS's new fleet is still dependent on dirty fossil fuel energy.  

We must put pressure on the USPS to update the contract with their manufacturer. Together, we can demand that a higher percentage of their fleet is made up of electric-powered vehicles. Sign the petition now to tell USPS that climate action matters, and the time for clean energy is now!
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