Tell Premier Wynne and Minister Ballard: Close the post-1991 Rent Loophole

  • by: Generation Squeeze
  • recipient: Premier Kathleen Wynne and Minister of Housing Chris Ballard

In 1997 the Ontario PC government exempted rental units built after 1991 from rent control. They said it would lead to a wave of new rental housing construction. That didn't happen. Instead, this loophole is simply crushing many renters through price gouging and a lack of rental security. 

Over the last few weeks, the post-1991 loophole has been all over the media. In response, the provincial NDP has put forward a bill to expand rent control to units built since 1991. Liberal Housing Minister Ballard has vowed to tackle housing affordability in the upcoming budget, and we need to make sure he closes the 1991 loophole when he does.

Way back in 2003 the Ontario Liberals promised to bring back rent control, calling the loophole a "betrayal of tenants" in their election platform. It's time to act. This is their chance to finally deliver on their promise.  

Please sign the petition urging Premier Kathleen Wynne and Minister of Housing Chris Ballard to close the post-1991 rent loophole now.  

Premier Kathleen Wynne and Minister of Housing Chris Ballard,

The arbitrary, outdated, and ineffective post-1991 rent loophole is crushing renters by price gouging and a lack of rental security. It's time to act. When you table the rent control legislation you've promised, close the loophole.

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