Join the Fight for a Sustainable Future with Offshore Wind Energy in California

Dear fellow Californians,

We have an incredible opportunity to revolutionize our state's energy landscape and safeguard our environment, economy, and communities. Offshore wind projects can provide numerous benefits to California, including reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, creating new job opportunities, and mitigating the devastating effects of climate change.

As we all know, our state has been severely impacted by natural disasters like wildfires and drought, which are exacerbated by the ongoing climate crisis. We cannot afford to ignore the urgency of transitioning to clean energy sources, and offshore wind presents a promising solution.

At Brightline Defense, we're committed to ensuring that local communities near these projects benefit from job opportunities. We believe that offshore wind development must prioritize environmental justice, and we urge you to join us in this mission.

By scaling floating offshore wind technology, we can meet our climate goals while creating new opportunities for Californians to thrive. It's time to take bold action and embrace a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous future for ourselves and future generations.

Sign the petition to demand equity-driven offshore wind development in California.

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