Tell Southern Company Coal: Stop the Hypocrisy!

  • by: Sierra Club
  • recipient: Southern Company President Thomas Fanning
Southern Company, one of the largest Utilities in the U.S. and the company responsible for the three largest CO2 emitters in the country, claims that carbon emissions are not harmful to the environment. They also claim that coal plants do not disproportionately affect the people living near them. Perhaps most absurdly, they claim their company cares about the environment.

How can a company that denies the existence of pollution be environmentally-friendly? The answer is simple. It can't. Southern Company has been sending the public these mixed messages for years. But now, the EPA has exposed their pollution, and we need to send them a message that this is unacceptable.

Tell Southern Company to stop their hypocritical environmental talk and make significant investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Dear Mr. Thomas Fanning,

I am writing to express my concern that Southern Company claims to be pro-environment, and yet your spokespeople openly deny the fact that carbon dioxide is even a pollutant.

[Your comments here]

If Southern Company truly wishes to be viewed as environmentally friendly, I urge you to take the appropriate actions to support this statement. I recognize that spokespeople of the company have claimed that major monetary investments have been made to be less harsh on the environment. However, Southern Company remains one of the largest producers of carbon emissions in the world. I suggest you to either drop these false claims to being environmental, or live up to them.

I also suggest you re-evaluate the false statements made by the your spokespeople that undermine the effects of carbon emissions on the climate. Lying to the public lends nothing to the legitimacy of the company. Carbon emissions are harmful, and the mercury that is put into the air and water of nearby communities is leading to incredibly health problems. This is not a joke, and no one believes your public relations posturing.

If taking action against pollution is truly in your interest, please produce results to prove it. Otherwise, stop falsely claiming to be a beacon of environmentally-friendly business. Please make significant investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency as soon as possible.

[Your name here]
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