Lions at Sabi Sand Wiltuin are suffering of mange. Sabi Sand is a private game reserve near the Kruger National Park in South Africa and while their business is already dubiously ethical, they must not also allow these lions to die from this horrible, treatable parasite-driven skin disease.

The situation is critical. Several cubs have already died, and the adults are very severely infected. The treatment of mange is simple and relatively quick. We ask the Sabi Sand conservation team to develop a plan to treat these lions. We ask that they keep the public informed about the situation, the causes, their progress and to proceed with the treatment! Please don't deny these lions their well-being.

Dear Sir, Edwin Pierce, 

We took knowledge that Sabi Sands Lions are suffering of mange, several cubs have died. We saw the very shocking images. These lions need a treatment. 

We would like to ask an urgent treatment for these lions. The treatment of mange is realtively simple and quick! So, please don't deny the walfare to these lions!

We ask you as well to keep us informed on the progress of this situation. 

Together for animal welfare!!! 

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