Ban Trophy Hunting!

Infamous trophy hunter, Rebecca Wolfe, is trying to help other merciless hunters massacre majestic red deer for fun! Add your name if you want to help end this slaughter!

What does someone like Rebecca Wolfe think of first, when they see a beautiful creature living free in the wild?


On a recent trip to Scotland, she shot a red deer.

She posed for a picture and laughed while the animal's blood was smeared on her face, reported The Daily Record.

And now she wants to open the door wide for other trophy hunters to come and do the same.

This kind of cruel behavior cannot be tolerated in a civilized nation.

Will you take a stand for Britain's defenseless wildlife?

It doesn't matter if you don't live in the UK; your signature can still make a difference.

The Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill 2019-20 was presented to Parliament in February of 2020, sponsored by Chris Loder MP.

That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Parliament that would ban trophy hunting in the UK forever.

Don't you want to stop this cruel, heartless practice of slaughtering helpless creatures for fun?

Then add your name to ask Jeremy Corbyn to do the right thing and introduce legislation that would ban trophy hunting in the United Kingdom, forever!

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