They're Using Cruel Cyanide Bombs to Indiscriminately Kill Animals!

The U.S. department of Wildlife Services has been using cruel cyanide bombs to kills animals in the wild and the government just said they're fine to keep doing it. 

Please sign on if you think Wildlife Services to stop using this method to kill animals!

The bombs work by attracting wild animals to them with bait and then spraying cyanide into their mouths, causing them to die, sometimes slowly and painfully. Not only is this inhumane, it's indiscriminate. So many non-targeted animals have died from the bombs, also known as M-44s. These victims include bears, pet dogs, skunks and raccoons. None of those animals are a threat to livestock, which is the stated reason for the killing in the first place. 

But even though the traps are meant to target foxes and coyotes who could potentially cause problems for farmers and their cattle, they are killing so many more livign things. In fact, a child was even injured and temporarily blinded from coming across a bomb. The bombs are often placed in areas populated by people and many other animals, putting everyone at risk. These are not a safe way to protect cattle and we need to tell Wildlife Services to stop using them! 

Will you sign on to ask them to stop this curel and inhumane practice?
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