Impeach Justices Alito, Thomas, and Gorusch for their corruption scandals!

Three conservative justices on the highest court in the land — Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch, have all been ensnared in major corruption scandals.

Thomas enjoys the luxuries provided to him by a billionaire sugar daddy — not to mention huge payouts to his wife through a fake job — Neil Gorsuch received a huge payout on a shady real estate deal, and now we've learned that Alito's wife is leasing land to mining companies who stand to profit from Alito's relentless war on the EPA and environmental regulations.

Enough is enough! Call on Congress to impeach the corrupt justices!

It is beyond outrageous that these supposedly impartial justices are making rulings while materially benefiting from exceedingly corrupt arrangements with the very companies with business before the court or who profit from those same rulings.

In order to restore the integrity of the Supreme Court, the corrupt justices must be removed and their rulings reconsidered by fresh judges who do not stand to personally profit from siding one way or the other.

Impeach Justices Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch for their corruption scandals!

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