Tell Fox News to stop spouting LGBTQ+ hate that’s getting people killed!

66-year-old Laura Anne Carleton of California was recently murdered over supporting the queer community. A wife and mother to nine children, Laura didn't identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community — but she vehemently supported it, always keeping a flag outside her clothing store in California. If someone took it down, she put up a bigger one. Because of her unwavering allyship, she is dead. It's unconscionable.

Her murderer was killed later that day, and we won't give his vile opinions a platform by naming him — but his social media platforms told a story of a dangerous bigot. Posts of burning pride flags, conspiratorial rants about same-sex marriage, and more were all left as clues that the murder of Laura Anne Carleton was absolutely a hate crime. Unsurprisingly, the murderer was a fan of the likes of various right-wing commentators like Matt Walsh. 

The anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric being spread by right-wing media is killing people. It's inspiring violent crimes against already disenfranchised minorities, and now even threatening those who are simply allies. The hate campaign has to stop. 

Add your name to demand Fox News and other right-wing media stop spreading the vitriol that's inspiring hate crimes and murder!

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