Corporate America Posts About Pride While Supporting Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislators. Demand Real Action!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: AT&T, UnitedHealth, and Home Depot

Every year when Pride Month begins, we see a transformation in corporate America. Rainbow logos, advertisements spotlight LGBTQ+ voices, and declarations of support for the community. Despite their public affirmations of support, many of these corporations continue to finance the campaigns of politicians who actively undermine LGBTQ+ rights.

These are just a few examples of corporations' true interests. Since 2022:

  • AT&T has donated at least $1,396,650 to anti-LGBTQ legislators
  • UnitedHealth has donated at least $1,139,050 to anti-LGBTQ politicians
  • Home Depot has donated at least $784,200 to anti-LGBTQ legislators

This stark contradiction between public advocacy and private actions is a betrayal that we can no longer ignore. Sign the petition to demand corporations like AT&T, UnitedHealth, and Home Depot align their financial actions with their public support for the LGBTQ+ community!

While visible support for the LGBTQ+ community during Pride Month is welcome, allyship goes beyond "rainbow capitalism" -- a practice where corporations use tokenistic rainbow-themed marketing to profit from the LGBTQ+ community without truly supporting the community's rights.

Sign the petition to demand corporations like AT&T, UnitedHealth, and Home Depot stop financing anti-LGBTQ+ politicians and take a genuine stand for equality!

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