Cinder the Bear Survived Wildfire Burns Only to Be Shot by a Hunter

Cinder was a 30 lb young black bear in Washington state. In 2014, she miraculously survived severe wildfire burns and won the heart of us humans. Tragically, she was shot and killed almost immediately upon being released back into the wild. 

Sign the petition to demand justice for Cinder!

It's illegal to kill a black bear in Washington state unless you have a license and it's open season. Whoever killed her probably did not have that because they just left her body there. If a bear gets hurt or killed in self defense, the killer is supposed to notify the authorities. But Cinder's body was just left to rot instead. 

Scientists had hoped her collar had just stopped working because she was hibernating for the winter. That's why they were so dismayed when they found her skeleton and realized it was because she and her collar had been shot. 

Cinder lived through a horrible tragedy and healed, just to be shot by a selfish hunter and left to rot. 

It's heartbreaking that Cinder survived and then died so quickly after being able to return to her home. Please help us honor sweet Cinder by demanding that authorities find Cinder's killer and hold them accountable!
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