A Pregnant Woman Needed to Be on the Brink of Death to Receive Care

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Oklahoma state legislature
Advocates for reproductive justice have long warned about the dangers of abortion bans. Not only do these bans restrict pregnant people's right to choose what is best for them, they can also quite literally kill people. Many people who get pregnant require abortions for medical reasons, and Jaci Statton, a stay-at-home mom in Oklahoma, was one of these people.

Demand that Oklahoma lawmakers reverse their life-threatening ban on abortions and protect parental health now!

For weeks, Jaci felt extremely unwell: nauseous, dizzy, and devastatingly weak. When she sought medical attention, she learned she had a molar pregnancy - one that would never develop into a child, and could potentially cause cancer.

Yet doctors told her there was nothing they could do unless she was "crashing in front" of them. In fact, one doctor said that she could wait in the parking lot until she felt like she was going to have a heart attack, and then they could treat her.

Eventually, after being transferred to three different Oklahoma hospitals, doctors advised her to literally go to another state to get the care she required.

All of this chaos - and doctors' unwillingness to treat this poor woman who was in desperate need for assistance - is because of the state's abortions bans. In fact, Oklahoma has three different abortion bans, all of which overlap in confusing ways. This means that many medical professionals are literally too scared and too confused to even provide life-saving care.

Which means these bans could end in parents' deaths.

All pregnant people deserve healthcare, and healthcare includes abortions. Sign now to demand the Oklahoma state legislature protect public health and reverse their abortion bands NOW!
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