Kylie Jenner Takes Three-Minute Private Jet Rides, Devastating the Environment, Just To Avoid Traffic

While the rest of us try to reduce our plastic consumption and shift towards electric vehicles and public transit, the uber wealthy are doing the exact opposite. It's been discovered that Kylie Jenner, a literal billionaire, regularly takes a 3 minute private jet from one side of Los Angeles to the other. 

Sign now to demand limits on these climate catastrophe private jet rides!

The 3 minute jet ride would take 40 minutes by car, but millionaires and billionaires like Kylie literally do not care. They will pay tens of thousands of dollars and pour who knows how much unnecessary CO2 into OUR environment just to save themselves a little time and discomfort. It's disgusting and it needs to stop. 

People are calling her a "full time climate criminal" and they're not wrong!

While her weekly 3 minute jet rides are perhaps the most egregious, Kylie Jenner uses her private jet constantly – in tandem with plenty of other uber rich celebrities and public figures. And while they pump CO2 into our air and burn, boil, and ravage our planet, they can still sleep well at night knowing that they will survive the climate crisis with their superfluous resources – like when Kim Kardashian hired "concierge firefighters" to defend her California home from devastating wildfires will others lost everything. This kind of grotesque consumption in the face of our world's climate crisis cannot stand. Please sign the petition to demand limits on this kind of needless pollution from the ruling elite!
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