Cut Animal Tests to Tackle COVID-19!

  • av: Animal Defenders
  • mottagare: World Health Organization, national governments, and scientific community

We, the undersigned, call on the World Health Organization, national governments, and scientific community worldwide to prioritize and support research into COVID-19 which uses advanced non-animal scientific methods, relevant to humans. These sophisticated techniques avoid the known issues of species differences which make the translation of animal research data to people unreliable and can delay or prevent the availability of effective treatments.

The unprecedented scientific collaboration seen during the pandemic must also continue and be applied to advance research and gain a better understanding of, and treatments for, human disease, through the acceleration of advanced, human-relevant methods.

Uppdatera #14 år sedan
To find out more about the ADI campaign to cut animal tests to tackle COVID-19 and the experiments that are currently being carried out go to
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